Friday, September 2, 2011

It Works! with Melissa Fauser

It Works! with Melissa Fauser
By Kay

I know we have already done a review for the body wraps, but did you know about all the other great products that It Works! offers! I never knew until Melissa filled me in. She sent me two different products to help keep your body looking its best.

The Defining Body Gel is the same gel that is on the body wrap, but it is not as concentrated so that you can feel free to use it daily. I received my bottle a few days after I had done my body wrap and I had started to notice that my skin was starting to not feel as soft. This gel will help keep your skin feeling soft in between body wraps and will help with your over all inch loss! The Gel is also safe to use the same day as your body wrap. Like always, it is best to use when your skin is clean and product free. Also, it is best to stick to just your targeted area so pick your tummy, arms or legs first and then work the other parts later.

The other product is Stretch Mark and Anti-Aging. I have a few stretch marks on my hips and everyday they are starting to get smaller more faint. I think I might be sending a bottle of one on off to my friend, who have just had a baby. The lotion has a nice soft smell and feels so silky while massaging it in. It even stays nice and silky all day long.

Again the reason why this company is called It Works! is because, well, it really does work. Check out Melissa’s website! Don’t wait if you have a question, just send her a message and she will do everything she can to help you out. Take some time to get to know Melissa. We have became good friends since she has sent these to me. She has also given me some great advice for my own personal life that has nothing to do with It Works! She is there not only to help you look the way you want, but to also feel amazing!

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